Every crystal has its own set of qualities and vibrations that can be utilized for a variety of things, including healing, meditation, love, and anxiety relief. Finding a gemstone can be difficult, especially if you’re a beginner. There are thousands of different gemstones, each with their own structure, energy, color, and application. Let’s discuss how to identify the proper crystal type, the cleansing, and how you may benefit from these specific stones. It’s all about how your special crystals feel perfect for you!

Before looking into what the stones can provide you, figure out what you think you’re missing. This will assist you in determining what is going on within yourself before relying on external sources.
Let your instincts decide what’s best for you from there.
Your inner subconscious will guide you to the crystal that is suited for you, whether it catches your eye, or you sense a physical pull toward it.
After you’ve chosen it, you’ll be able to make the connection your crystal and allow the energy flow to begin.

Crystal Cleansing

When you first bring your crystal home, It is very important to cleanse it to remove any negative energy it may have picked up. Depending on the type of stone, you may be able to submerge it in cold or flowing water, dip it in sea salt, then smudge your gemstone with sage or other herbs. After a good cleansing, you will want to charge your stone by placing it in the light of either the sun or the moon depending on the stone. Please keep in mind to do your homework about the type of crystal you are bringing home by checking with the Mohs Hardness Scale before you get your crystal wet. When some stones are submerged in water, they become toxic or dissolve. To see if your crystal will disintegrate in water, please use the Mohs Hardness Scale at


Crystals can be used to meditate in a variety of ways. One method is to clean and charge your crystals before utilizing them. As was suggested already, placing them in the sun is one technique for charging your crystal.
Deep breathing will help you ground and connect to your body while e stablishing a meditation intention by “asking” for help from your crystal.
For 5 to 10 minutes, quiet your mind and concentrate on your goal(s).
Thank your crystal for the energy they help provide you during your meditation, this in turn, sends positive energy back to the crystals allowing this energy flow to circulate and continue within your crystals. You will then return your attention to your surroundings to finish your practice.

Mood Improvement

When you feel like life is pulling you down and you’re struggling with stress, anxiety or depression, it is possible that crystals may be able to help you feel better. By using the positive energy flow of your crystals, you are allowing for the improvement of your mood. Crystals can be used to induce the feelings of connection and grounding while pursuing your journey of spirituality. This feeling of connection is due to the relationship you have with the crystal than it is due to the crystal itself.
When defining spirituality, it is said that you feel as though you have a sense of belonging to something bigger than oneself.

Let’s Discuss the different purposes you might want to use a crystal for.

Once you’ve decided on the type of stone for your purpose, the next thing is to pick the right crystal for you. I have provided a list of purposes and stones to that purpose that may apply to you. There is no right or wrong method to choose a crystal, but you should opt for one with which you feel a strong bond. This is something I can’t stress enough. Because all gemstones bear the imprint of their unique structure and energy, any crystal of a specific type will help you achieve your goals. The vibration of a specific stone and how it resonates with your energy field is what we’re working with.

  • Healing
  • Chakras
  • Love
  • Protection
  • Career
  • Family

What is the right crystal(s) for you?


There is a wide range of “healing” when it comes to crystals. It all depends on what aspect of your life needs healing. Crystals are made up of different elements or compounds, which our bodies react to in different ways. Crystals are minerals that hold energy, we as humans are made up of energy, so it makes sense that we are able to exchange energy with the crystals when we work with them. I’m confident that if a crystal can be piezoelectric [contain electric charge], it can do so much more. By balancing electric currents, they prevent equipment from exploding. In the same way, crystals and our bodies merely work to balance the frequency of the electromagnetic currents that flow through our bodies.

These are a few ways that you can use your healing crystals.

  • Physical and emotional healing
  • Success, abundance, attraction of love, and more
  • protection against negative energy

Healing Rituals

At the beginning of any healing ritual, it’s essential to clear any previous negative or stale energy from your healing devices so that they’re ready to help you as much as possible. As discussed in the paragraph above titled “Crystal Cleaning”, a quick check with the Mohs Hardness Scale to assure you do not accidentally ruin your crystal, a simple cold-water rinse, sea salt dip, and smudging with sage or other herbs can accomplish brining clean, fresh energy in the metaphysical world.
Once you light the end of a sage bundle, you’ll want to run the stone through the smoke to cleanse it of all staleness.

We’re living in an exciting time of spiritual discovery, with even researchers ‘Trusted Source’ noticing how spirituality can be a creative, productive solution to health problems. In other word you are willing yourself to heal. Make sure you are setting a goal of what you feel you need healed; this is where mind of matter comes in. Once you have visualized the area that needs help, you can take your stone and hold it to that spot for a physical connection that allows the energy flow. For example, If I needed to heal issues with my stomach, then I would meditate with the moonstone literally resting on my stomach. If I’m using my emotional stones, then I will typically hold them to my brow. The most important thing is to set an intention for what you want to heal and to encourage your mind and body that it is possible.

Personal Health

  • Clear quartz: a clear crystal is considered a master healer and is believed to support the entire energetic system.
  • Amethyst: used for healing, purifying, and enhancing your willpower.
  • Jasper: a nurturing stone said to provide support during times of stress.
  • Obsidian: believed to help process emotions and experiences and aid in letting go.
  • Bloodstone: said to improve circulation and provide support to blood-related issues.

Some consider this white stone to be a master healer.
It’s claimed to help you boost your energy, improve your concentration and memory, and balance your energetic system.
This stone is frequently used in conjunction with others, such as rose quartz, to aid and improve their abilities.


This purple stone is said to have powerful defensive, healing, and purifying properties.
It’s also supposed to: aid in the removal of unpleasant thoughts from the mind.
bring forth spiritual understanding, humility, and sincerity
encourage self-discipline and healthy choices
help you sleep and decipher your dreams


The supreme nurturer is the name given to this smooth crystal.
It is supposed to: energize the spirit; help you through times of stress by preparing you to completely show up, protect you from and absorb negative energy, and enhance courage, quick thinking, and confidence.
These are qualities that are very beneficial when dealing with serious difficulties, which is exactly what this stone could be useful for.


Obsidian is a stone that is thought to be extremely protective.
It’s supposed to protect you from physical and emotional negativity.
This stone may also help you assimilate experiences, emotions, and baggage, leaving you free of negative barriers by promoting the traits of strength, clarity, and compassion.


This remarkable healing stone certainly lives up to its reputation.
Bloodstone removes negative surrounding energies and promote the flow of thoughts and positive energy. This unique stone encourages selflessness, innovation, and optimistic thinking. It is said to reduce irritation, aggression, and impatience. The Bloodstone is a symbolism of blood and blood-related biological functions such as menstruation.


  • Orange calcite: Provides a burst of positive and joyful energy.
  • Ocean Jasper: Inspires feelings of happiness, security, and support.
  • Smoky Quartz: Helps to release negative thoughts and embrace a more positive outlook.
  • Rubellite: Brings serenity and calmness when in an emotional state.
  • Lepidolite Can help with depression and anxiety while keeping a sense of harmony within.
  • Prehnite: Can help calm the heart and mind, as well as releasing negative energies.
  • Howlite: Can assist with pent-up stress and overwhelming feelings. This calming stone can also help with your lack of sleep.

This stone is able to provide a burst of happy, positive energy that is excellent for balancing emotions and calming your fears, anxiety, and depression.




  • Tiger’s eye: said to provide motivation and lessen fear
  • Citrine: believed to spark enthusiasm, creativity, and concentration
  • Turquoise: thought to soothe emotions and attract good luck
  • Sapphire: known as a stone of prosperity
  • Jade: another well-known stone for prosperity and luck

This golden stone may be right for you if you’re looking for a boost in strength or motivation. A Tiger’s eye assists you get rid of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt from your mind and body, guide you to harmony and balance, and help you make clear, conscious decisions.
This might be good for career goals or even personal matters.


Citrine will bring joy, amazement, and passion to all aspect of your life.
It is claimed to aid in the release of unpleasant emotions such as fear and mistrust.
positivity, warmth, motivation, and clarity are all good things to have.
improve your mindfulness skills while
stimulating and boosting creativity and concentration.


This blue crystal is claimed to aid in mind, body, and soul healing.
It’s also thought to be a good luck charm and to help with emotional balance. It encourages your spiritual rootedness.
It is thought to represent the respiratory, skeletal, and immune systems in the human body.


This blue stone is associated with monarchy and wisdom.
It opens the mind to allow beauty and intuition to flow in clear visions while encouraging a happy attitude. The Sapphire can help attract success, happiness, and peace when used in a daily setting.



  • Rose quartz: sometimes referred to as the stone of love and believed to encourage love and trust
  • Moonstone: said to prompt feelings of inner strength and growth
  • Ruby: believed to support sexuality and sensuality

This pink stone is all about love, as the color suggests.
It is said to aid in the restoration of trust and harmony in relationships, bring peace and tranquility at times of bereavement, and inspire love, respect, trust, and self-worth.


Moonstone is a stone associated with new beginnings.
When embarking on new projects, it can help stimulate inner growth and strength to alleviate emotions of worry and insecurity.
The Moonstone can help you move forward successfully, promote positive thinking, intuition, inspiration as well as encouraging success and prosperity.


This vibrant red stone is a fantastic eye-catcher that can help replenish life and energy levels. With the support of self-awareness and truth perception, the Ruby can help intellectual pursuits that promote sexuality and sensuality.


The word chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word for wheel. Chakras remind me of energy wheels—these wheels are spinning in your body, creating energy and life force while remaining unseen. This energy flows through you from the bottom of your body to the top of your head.  Life is good when the wheels are balanced and spinning in unison. Everything flows smoothly, from your conversations and relationships to your interests and goals.

However, the energy that you are constantly exposed to and/or absorbing—whether mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual energy—can cause your chakras to become blocked at times in your life. When the chakras become unbalanced as a result of a blockage, energy flow through your body is disrupted. Your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being will suffer as a result.

Crystals are a wonderful way to clear blockages and re-align your chakras. You can use their special energy to focus on different chakras and shift your body’s energy.

Let’s look at each of the seven major chakras and the crystals that go along with them.

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

  • BLACK OBSIDIAN – A magnificent stone for grounding, cleansing the negative energy, and for the protection of your energetic and physical surroundings.
  • BLACK TOURMALINE – Negative energy is transfigured and purified, while protecting your energy field.
  • BLOODSTONE – Provides support, increases courage, enhances energetic and physical resilience, and aids in blood fortification
  • GARNET (ALMANDINE) – Aids in the reduction of anxiety and panic while instilling a sense of calm and stability.
  • RED JASPER – Helps keep you energized both energetically and physically, while you stay grounded and centered with your core.
  • SMOKEY QUARTZ – With the help of mother earth, this stone is able to transform negative energy into positive energy.

The Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara Chakra, is what keeps us connected to the earth. It is located at the base of your spine. Earth elements and the colors red and black are associated with this chakra.
Grounding, safety, and stability are all feelings associated with the Root Chakra. We feel balanced, secure, and safe when our Root Chakra is unblocked. Things just seem to flow more easily and gracefully in your life. We find that life can become a little more difficult for us when this Chakra is blocked or out of alignment. Your survival instincts kick in, and you act in everything you do from a place of fear and insecurity. Anxiety, stress, and depression can occur as a result of this.
If your Root Chakra is out of whack, these crystals can help bring it back into balance.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

  • CARNILIAN – Enhances sexuality, creativity, and motivation. Helps you overcome your fears and tune into life’s natural rhythms.
  • ORANGE CALCITE – Increases creative flow by bringing in high vibrational, energetic, and blissful energy.
  • PEACH MOONSTONE – With a powerful Goddess energy, your vibrations are raised in a way that stimulates creativity and trikes enthusiasm for life.
  • PEACH SATIN SPAR SELENITE – Helps to remove unwanted energy from your space, aura, and other crystals, resulting in a better sense of well-being.
  • SHIVA LINGUM – Encourages the connection with others and supports the balance of fertility, sexuality, confidence.
  • SUN STONE -Elevates your personal power and allows your inner light to shine. This stone can also assist in the transformation of rage and fear into delightful, positive thoughts and energy.
  • TANGERINE QUARTZ – Increases the energetic flow of creativity, inspiration, and courage while aiding in the overcoming of fear.

The Sacral Chakra, which represents your creative and sexual energy, is the second chakra. It’s just below the navel, and it’s where you can find pleasure and play within your body. It has a nurturing, warm energy that is linked to the element of water. The colors orange and yellow are also closely associated with this chakra. Your ability to be creative, sexual, emotional, and connected to yourself and others is controlled by the Sacral Chakra. Your life is filled with movement, pleasure, satisfying relationships, creativity, and an overall sense of energetic abundance when it is balanced and spinning freely. It is also linked to both male and female fertility. If your second Chakra is blocked, you may experience emotional sensitivity, withdrawal, a lack of creative zeal, and a low libido. Reproductive problems, depression, and emotional instability can all result from this blockage. 

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

  • AMBER – This stone allows slow and steady energy flow while boosting self-assurance and facilitating a more creative self-expression.
  • CITIRNE – Strikes a chord with abundance, optimism, and sunshine energies. One of the most effective crystals for manifesting.
  • GOLDEN HEALER QUARTZ – Grace, ease, and flow are all things that nurture us, and allows you to see all of the blessings in your life.
  • GOLDEN TIGER’S EYE – Helps you find a sense of balance in your life so you can move past your fears and anxieties and take control of your life.
  • PINEAPPLE CALCITE – This stone proves useful when you’re going through a transition. It helps boost your self-confidence, optimism, and self-esteem.
  • PYRITE – Willpower, confidence, and manifestation are all powerful qualities of this stone. It also carries the energies of abundance and wealth.
  • YELLOW JASPER – By providing inner strength and clarity, as well as protection, this stone will allow you the perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtaining spiritual guidance and understanding.

The Solar Plexus Chakra, the third chakra, is linked to the element of fire. It’s only fitting, because the third Chakra is where your personal power lies, this is where your inner warrior resides! The third chakra, located in the upper abdomen below the breastbone in the center of your body, is where you locate your self-confidence, self-esteem, and inner strength.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the colors yellow and gold and is related to your intellect, ambition, and physical and mental well-being. You feel self-assured, and fully present in your daily life when the Solar Plexus Chakra is aligned.

When you are confronted with negativity, you can easily move forward without clinging to the situation.
When your third chakra is out of balance, you’ll notice a drop in your self-esteem, a difficult time trusting yourself, and making decisions will be especially difficult. Anxiety and poor digestion are also possible side effects.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

  • GREEM ADVENTURINE – This stone can help alleviate the blockage you may have in the heart chakra. It can support calm and steady nerves while releasing negative energies. 
  • JADE – Allows you to tap into the universe’s love and abundance a bit easier than before. It will assist you in bringing more excitement into your life.
  • KAMBABA JASPER – Allows us to better see the lessons life has to offer by balancing our light and shadow sides.
  • MALACHITE – This stone helps with the healing of emotional wounds and guides you through the transformation process.
  • PERIDOT – Helps with the removal of obstacles to allow yourself to be more open with receiving and enables one to connect with universal abundance.
  • RHODONITE – Compassion, love, and generosity are all reflected in this lovely stone, that can assist you in identifying your special talent.
  • ROSE QUARTZ – Love for ourselves, each other, Mother Earth, the universe, and the Divine is encapsulated in this crystal.

The fourth chakra, the Heart Chakra, is where we find our love, compassion, and deep connection with others, as you might expect. It encompasses the heart, lungs, and the surrounding area and is located in the center of the chest. Green and pink are associated with the Heart Chakra, which serves as a link between the lower (physical) and higher (spiritual) chakras. The Heart Chakra not only governs our interpersonal relationships, but it also aids in the development of self-love. It has to do with how we give and receive love, both from others and ourselves. The fourth Chakra is a beautiful emotional center that brings forgiveness, joy, love, and compassion into your life when it is balanced. Negative thoughts about yourself, jealousy, mistrust, and co-dependence can all occur when the Heart Chakra is out of balance. It can also cause high or low blood pressure, as well as feelings of inadequacy.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

  • AMAZONITE – This stone will assist you in speaking your truth and living your life authentically. allows you to establish healthy boundaries.
  • ANGELITE – Facilitates the truth, as well as your ability to speak confidently and intelligently. It will also support communication with your angels.
  • AQUAMARINE – Aims to assist you in navigating change whlie relieving anxiety and fear. Will help support you in times of hardship.
  • BLUE CALCITE – Gives you a sense of calm and peace, while aiding in the relief of stress, anxiety, and tension.
  • BLUE LACE AGATE – Gives you a sense of calm and peace.  This stone enables you to speak from a place of clarity.
  • CELESTITE – Enhances inner vision and raises vibrations while opening you up to divine and angelic communication.
  • CHRYSOCOLLA – Fills you with tranquility, peace, intuition, patience, and unconditional love.

The Throat Chakra is the first of the spiritual chakras, and it is the fifth chakra. It is the center of your voice, and it is from this Chakra that your truth can freely flow. The Throat Chakra governs how you communicate with others and express yourself. It sits just above the collar bone in the neck and is associated with the color blue. Your ability to speak your truth, express your ideas, and have a deeper understanding of your intentions is housed in the fifth Chakra. You’ll be able to express what you need in life, listen more attentively, and live authentically when you’re in balance—it’ll help you live your truth. When your Throat Chakra is out of balance, you’ll have trouble expressing yourself or asking others for what you want or need. It can also cause a sore throat, neck pain, and shoulder pain.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

  • AZURITE – It stimulates your ability to see life through different lenses as a stone of insight and vision.
  • HERKIMER DIAMOND – A crystal with an extremely high vibration that can help you improve your ability of inner vision and strengthen your spiritual insight. It can also aid in the removal of energy blockages.
  • LABRADORITE – Elevates your intuition, aids in higher dimension connectivity, and protects your aura from negative energies.
  • LAPIS LAZULI – A powerful stone that enhances your intuition and allows you to access your inner vision.
  • PURPLE FLOURITE – It enables the fine tuning of your mental agility, while allowing your mind to remain focused on what’s at hand.
  • SODALITE – Improves the inner vision and allows you to see your core lessons in a spiritual light.
  • TURQUOISE –Helps you to achieve inner peace by balancing your emotions and allowing you to embrace your self-worth.

The sixth chakra is the Third Eye Chakra, which gives you access to all of your intuition and inner wisdom. The sixth Chakra is located between your brows, in the center of your forehead. It affects our perception of the world around us as well as our internal dialogue. It is linked to the indigo color and serves as a link between the Throat and Crown Chakras. This chakra serves as a conduit for the truth of your soul and your inner vision. You will be able to trust your intuition and discover what is most important to you in life once your Third Eye Chakra is unblocked. You’ll have a vivid imagination, clarity, and an inner wisdom that’s deep. When your sixth Chakra is blocked, you will doubt your own thoughts and decisions, lose clarity, and grow cynical. It can also cause headaches, migraines, and a lack of concentration.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

  • AMETHYST – Calms a racing mind, provides Divine protection, and aids in identifying the source of unwanted behavioral patterns.
  • CHAROITE – Stimulates your higher consciousness and clarifies your spiritual mission in this life.
  • CLEAR APOPHYLLITE – A high-vibration crystal that aids in the development of faith and trust in the universe’s Divine process.
  • CLEAR QUARTZ – This crystal is a master healer capable of healing all chakras. Clear quartz can also be configured with your motivations.
  • WHITE CALCITE – High-diameter connections are supported. It aids in the expansion of consciousness in order to gain access to higher knowledge.
  • LEPIDOLITE – Brings calming energies and is especially beneficial for those going through the grieving process.
  • SATIN SPAR SELENITE – Removes negative energy from your energy field, other stones and crystals, and your surroundings.

The Crown Chakra represents your spiritual being and is the seventh chakra. This Chakra represents the fact that you are a divine being who is having a human experience while on this planet. The Crown Chakra is where you will find enlightenment and connect with all of the universe’s wonders. It is located at the crown of the head and is associated with the colors white and violet. You can connect with your higher self, feel a deep spiritual connection, and see the big picture when the seventh chakra is balanced. Beyond the big picture, you’ll be able to see how you fit into the tapestry of our universe, which will give you a sense of purpose and overall happiness. You may begin to struggle with daily activities, become overly sensitive to the divine aspect of Self, and feel unmoored in the world around you if it is out of alignment. Confusion, headaches, insomnia, and nightmares are all possible side effects.

Our chakras slipping out of alignment is completely normal; it’s all part of the human experience. That isn’t to say you should leave them unbalanced. You can realign your chakras and bring your body, mind, and spirit back into alignment by working with healing crystals.
Choose a healing crystal that resonates with the chakra in question and work with it the next time your Chakras are out of balance. This could be as simple as meditating with it or simply wearing crystal jewelry to help you connect with its energy.


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