NOW Ylang Ylang Essential Oil


Ylang Ylang oil is made by distilling the steam produced by heating the Ylang Ylang tree’s blooms. Because of its pleasant (floral) fragrance, it is widely utilized in aromatherapy.

Ylang Ylang oil is made by distilling the steam produced by heating the Ylang Ylang tree’s blooms. Because of its pleasant (floral) fragrance, it is widely utilized in aromatherapy.

It can be used in a diffuser or mixed with a carrier oil and applied to the skin directly. Essential oils like lavender and sandalwood pair well with Ylang Ylang. Use caution when using large amounts of this oil, as it may cause nausea or skin irritation.

The golden, star-shaped blossom of the Cananga tree is known as ylang ylang (Cananga odorata). This tropical species is endemic to India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and sections of Australia, all of which are located near the Indian Ocean. Fruity, floral, and rich, ylang ylang has a strong, aromatic perfume.


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