The Top 10 Best Tarot Cards | 2021

Tarot cards are designed to inspire you to believe in yourself and empower you during your journey of healing with divine and mystical assistance, as well as guide you down the path of discovery and enlightenment. When you tap into the magic and miracles of the angels, anything is possible. Angel tarot cards can offer hope, comfort when needed the most through the insight of the spiritual realm. Each card brings an uplifting message to help you focus your intentions and to guide you to find the answers you seek. Watch the power of these cards change your life and the energy that surrounds you. If you feel like it’s time for a change, then it’s time to find your special tarot card deck today. While waiting for your purchase, try a reading from any of the professional mediums listed below today.

1. Angel Power Wisdom Cards

Want a boost on your angelic assistance? Click here to subscribe to Oranum to get a reading today.

The wording and messages are very powerful. I did a reading for myself with these tarot cards and it was extremely accurate to my situation. The wording and messages are very powerful. It truly hit me deep, only in a way that a past life reading could hit me. It feels very angelic and nurturing to my soul. They are very beautiful cards and I recommend them for anyone.

2. Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

Angel tarot cards

Kyle’s presence and energy is infectious. It’s evident through his commitment to this work that Kyle believes that spiritual connection is possible for anyone and he is doing everything he can to make this possible and accessible.

Kyle is an international author of 6 books including ‘Angel Prayers’ and ‘Raise Your Vibration’. He also co-created three oracle card decks (Angel Prayers Oracle, Keepers Of The Light & Angels and Ancestors) that continue to bring a modern and exciting face to the Angels, Ancestors & Ascended Masters. All of Kyle’s books and decks are published with Hay House which is the biggest Mind Body Spirit publisher in the world.

This deck is soo beautiful! As his other decks “Angels & Ancestors”, & “Keepers of the Light” this one was just as amazingly profound! I was so happy to see him in this deck!! I am a big fan of Kyle Gray’s work and it seems as though he never disappoints! He portrays a lot of them like archetypes, even though some are very real. What a great deck! I would recommend to anyone. It will inspire you. I have never been let down by Kyle Gray.

Click here for a beautiful angel reading with Winddancer Beverly on Keen.

3. Angel Prayers: Harnessing the Help of Heaven to Create Miracles

Ever feel that your prayers are going unanswered? Kyle Gray is here to change this for good. In this expanded edition of Angel Prayers, Kyle reveals how to use affirmative prayer to bring about positive change in your life. Learn how to ask for heavenly help and understand the signs and messages sent to you by angels.

This is a small book and a quick-read, there is a TON of great stuff in this book, including prayers, affirmations, meditations, angel information, and spiritual wisdom. I really enjoy how the information in the book is so very applicable to daily life. I am not new to the spiritual genre or angels, and I enjoy getting readings from “so & so “, click here to receive your own reading, but I still found a lot of wonderful things in this book. Its a great one to keep on your nightstand for quick reference, or even carry it around with you. I look forward to reading more Kyle Gray books in the future.

4. Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

A one-of-a-kind oracle card deck that combines Angelic guidance with Aboriginal, Native American, Celtic, and Earth based spiritualities. We are always surrounded by countless guides who want to share their knowledge with us to bring healing and change. Among them are the Angels and Ancestors.

In whichever culture or religion they appear, Angels have always had one mission: to love, help and guide humans. On the earthly plane, Ancestors are the wise ones, healers and warriors who have offered to share their knowledge, experience and magic with us. In this empowering 55-card oracle deck, Celtic, Native American, Aboriginal and Earth-based spiritualities bridge the gap between this world and the next. The Angels and Ancestors know what you need to know, and by using the accompanying guidebook you’ll learn how to unlock their secrets and messages, and live a life touched by divine, magical guidance. Click here for your own Ancestor reading with “so & so “.

5. Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards

Inspired by the 12 archangels of Atlantis, these cards represent loving, wise guides and provide powerful counsel and healing. Each card presents a universal heart virtue, which seekers can use to navigate life’s changes, blessings, and adversities. Packaged in a gorgeous box with a booklet for explanations and instructions, these beautiful inspirations are perfect for anyone looking for a deeper connection to the ancient realm of Atlantis.

Such a wonderful oracle deck. The insight is so profound, the messages so beautiful and uplifting. I put my whole heart in it, and the readings come out spot on accurate. The beauty of the readings have brought tears to my eyes a few times. I recommend the chants that come with these cards, after a reading, It really feels incredible.

I Will say… that the cardstock is thin, so please be careful while shuffling unless you want to distort the cards. They’re shiny and a little sticky, but they’re so beautiful that I don’t mind it one bit. After using them multiple times a day for nearly a week, they’re not as sticky. I’m sure with more use, they’ll become easier and easier to shuffle. Click here if you would like a reading from a professional with Psychic Source as you wait for your new purchase to arrive.

6. Angels of Light Cards

Diana Cooper is the author of 19 spiritual books in over 26 languages and has now started a series of children’s books to empower and enchant children. Diana has just completed her first two children’s books for 5-9 year olds, which will be followed with further stories in the Autumn. The first 2 titles are The Magical Adventures of Tara and the Talking Kitten and Tara and the Talking Kitten meet Angels and Fairies. Diana’s aim and vision is to light the way to enable children, adults and the planet to ascend graciously and happily. She teaches seminars worldwide and is the Principal of The Diana Cooper School, a non-profit organization which offers certificated spiritual teaching courses throughout the world. Her journey started during a time of personal crisis when she received an angel visitation that changed her life. Since then the angels and her guides have taught her about the angelic realms, unicorns, fairies, Atlantis and Orbs as well as many other spiritual subjects.

Each card in this lavish deck portrays a different angel for guidance, protection, help, and healing. Intended for inspiration and affirmation, the cards work with the user’s thoughts and decisions to raise levels of consciousness and open up psychic and spiritual gifts. Whether attempting to release old negative thought patterns or clearing emotional blockages, the angels offer significant meditative light from which spiritual knowledge and information emanate. The cards are packaged in an attractive desktop holder that can display each day’s chosen angel. This deck is a bit different from most Oracle cards. It doesn’t have the picture with a saying on it. It has a nice back but the other side is a full reading of the intention of an angel. I like that this deck is different. I don’t feel like I always need to see a photo of an Angel to inspire me, it’s the words that count and sometimes I like the simplicity of it. I pull one card each day to see what I need to pay attention too in my life that day. I hope these cards can do the same for you. If you are interested in an angel tarot reading yourself, then Click here and let guide your down your path today.

7. Archangel Michael Oracle Cards

Archangel Michael is a beloved and powerful protector and trustworthy guide. He knows your life’s purpose and the best steps for you to take next. The 44 cards in this deck feature messages for you from Archangel Michael and incredible paintings of this magnificent angel. You’ll also receive answers to your most pressing questions. An accompanying guidebook gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct an accurate, safe, and powerfully healing reading for yourself and others.

These cards are my very first purchase of any of Doreen Virtue’s products. I am new to this, and approached this as I do most things of this nature, with a healthy level of skepticism. I am not disappointed. These cards are simply lovely! They deal strictly with the Archangel Michael, however each deck is devoted to a specific Archangel, I feel like the scope of each Archangel’s properties is quite vast, and in it of itself, a path in its own right. They are beautifully illustrated – edges done in gold, and have just the type of messages and inspiration that I was hoping for. Each card comes with a prayer to request assistance on the specific issue that it addresses. You could certainly use your own prayers, but if you are at a loss for words, these can be very helpful. Meditating on these images, I find, can bring a sense of serenity and peace. I find the booklet to be quite helpful if you are new to your spiritual journey. I feel that these are going to work quite well for anyone who tries them out. Click here for a reading with ( so & so), an expert in divine energy.

8. Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards

Each oracle card features a gorgeous painting of Archangel Raphael. The enclosed guidebook gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct safe and powerful readings about your own health and that of your loved ones and clients. It explains the general meaning of each card and provides specific details that can offer you more clarity and help you tap into your intuition. Whether you’re seeking a healing for yourself, for someone else, or want to awaken your own natural healing abilities, Archangel Raphael brings you miracles and trustworthy guidance . . . and all you need to do is ask.

The cards are very impressive with their intuitive messages in response to my specific questions! I recommend this deck for anyone seeking guidance, instruction, direction, and healing from Archangel Raphael. I opened the deck – completed the prayer and consecration ritual – asked my question, and the answers were accurate. I use these regularly and would recommend these angel cards to family and friends. I have also read The healing miracles of Archangel Raphael and would recommend that book as well! Click here to subscribe with (so & so) and you can receive your own divine reading while awaiting the arrival of your order. Please keep in mind, that each person’s situation is unique and different when communing with the Angels and the Spirit Realm. Everyone’s response will not be the same. Also, keep in mind that you will not always get what you want in a spiritual consultation but you will get what you need at that time. Overall, I love this deck…will be purchasing another for extended use.

9. Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards

With these Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards, you can ask a departed friend or family member a question and receive answers through the 44 beautiful cards in the deck and the messages in the accompanying guidebook. Drawing upon James Van Praagh’s years of experience as a clairvoyant and spiritual medium, this deck offers you a healing tool to facilitate clear conversations with heaven. Your loved ones in heaven want to talk with you, and share their love and reassurance to help you heal your grief.

I love that the energy coming off this deck is so powerful. The cards are very beautiful as well. The guidebook is thick and durable. I love the fact I am able to get clear answers. These cards are simple to understand and well connected with the spirit guides. The guidebook says a prayer to God, to send clear messages and ward away lower energies, and I like how it explains to give readings properly. It has been comforting to know that I have the Cards whenever I have a question or just for reassurance that family on the other side are helping me and are always with me. Click here to subscribe with (so & so) if you want a reading today while you wait on your purchase to arrive.

I purchased these mediumship cards to help me communicate with family members in Heaven, who I miss very much. I get “signs” from them all the time, but to be able to communicate with them by using these cards would be so meaningful. It seems as though they truly work for me and I love that I now have a way to stay in touch with my departed family members. It is so comforting to be able to have found this line of communication with Heaven and my family, it is good for that much needed comfort and grieving hearts and I absolutely recommend these cards to anyone who wants to learn to stay in touch with their loved ones who have Crossed Over. Thank you so much Doreen & James for these wonderful Talking to Heaven mediumship cards, they have brought me so much Comfort & Healing already…

10. Fairy Wisdom Oracle Deck and Book Set

Amy Brown’s Fairy Wisdom Oracle provides a bridge to the elemental realms, beyond the world we perceive with our senses. These spiritual dimensions are inhabited by charming fairies, angels, dragons, elves and other elemental guides, who interconnect with us for mutual development. Their job is to help us on our spiritual paths and protect us along the way. Use the enchanting cards in Fairy Wisdom Oracle to get acquainted with this welcoming community of fairies, who always have your best interests at heart. The illustrated book provides spiritual guidance in the form of the fairy’s wise messages, along with chants to help you focus your intentions and embrace a more positive attitude toward life. Deluxe set includes 64 cards and 140-page illustrated, hardback book. The Fairy Wisdom Oracle Deck & Book Set was created by popular fantasy artist Amy Brown and her mother Nancy Brown, a metaphysical healer and writer. Both live in the Pacific Northwest. Click here for a magical reading with Ask Now.

The Fairy Wisdom Oracle gives you needed glimpses into your everyday life and helps you see where changes can be made to enhance your life here on Earth. There is more to our world than we often perceive. There exist many dimensions and numerous beings that reside in these realms. We do not live independent of one another but are interdependent. These wonderful beings are here to help. They not only take care of the Earth, but they work hard to take care of us. We are familiar with many of these beings, such as angels, faeries and elves. Remember as you go through your day, to ask for help from the elemental world whenever you need it. It is through helping us that they advance in their spiritual development. We in turn can spiritually evolve through allowing them to help us.


In my opinion these are the top 10 Tarot cards of 2021. They may all have divine power and energy with them, but I feel as though each tarot deck holds their very own unique guidance. They have a beautiful way of connecting with their owner on a spiritual level that you can’t always find face to face. Though I encourage you to find your genre of tarot cards and take a leap into the spiritual and fantasy world, I have to say that I think it is also beneficial to receive outside readings from time to time. Once you have found your perfect deck, I promise that you will find the comfort in your tarot cards and the messages that they present. In turn you will discover the peace and love that you didn’t even realize you so desperately needed. I wish you all blessings in the world with your search for your perfect tarot card deck, on this beautiful spiritual journey of yours.

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