The Must-Have Spiritual Books | 2022!

At the beginning of every year, we all try to make a point of improving ourselves from the previous year. Maybe this is the year that you find your true love. “I’ll get a better job,” “I’ll become more organized,” or “I should start showing up on time.” Either way, everyone carries their own personal hopes and dreams of how this year can be a game changer for them.

Sometimes that unsettling feeling has nothing to do with needing a new job or organizing your life for two weeks before it bounces back to the previous chaos. Sometimes the change that you so desperately feel you need is truly on a deeper level. Becoming spiritually awaken or rising to a higher level can bring those positive changes to your life that you’ve been searching for. We are all surrounded by our spirit guides, it’s up to us whether we choose to acknowledge them and listen to what they have to say.

One of my all-time favorite mediums happen to be Kyle Gray, I am always inspired by his words or what he has to teach. He is a modern spiritual teacher that gives an authentic and approachable view to spirituality. He lives a high vibrational life with his down to Earth attitude and hip flair. Kyle is a bestselling author of eight books, including the best-selling ‘Angel Prayers’ and ‘Raise Your Vibration,’ as well as the Wall Street Journal Bestseller ‘Angel Numbers.’

Kyle signed his first book deal with Hay House in 2011 and has since written 8 books and co-created 5 oracle decks that are centered around helping you connect with your angels and the Divine. Kyle’s book Raise Your Vibration has sold over 100,000 copies worldwide. Kyle is deeply knowledgeable in a number of spiritual topics and is particularly known for his abilities in angel communication and crystal therapy. His trainings in both angel card reading and crystal therapy provide a high standard of tuition in guiding others to harness their gifts and facilitate spaces of healing and harmony for those they work with.

Along with Kyle Gray, here is our list of Must-Have spiritual books of 2022!

1. Angel Prayers By Kyle Gray

Harnessing the Help of Heaven
to Create Miracles

Kyle Gray is here to put an end to the feeling that your prayers are going unanswered. Kyle teaches how to use affirmative prayer to bring about good change in your life in this enhanced edition of Angel Prayers.

You’ll learn about:

• the power of prayer, demonstrated by true stories from Kyle’s clients and his own personal experiences
• the spiritual laws at play in the world and how your words and intentions affect your life
• the Angelic Hierarchy, including the 15 major Archangels and other angelic beings who support you on your journey
• invocations and prayers to call specific Angels and Archangels, including lesser known Angels such as Faith, Hope and Charity.

2. Raise Your Vibrations

111 Practices to Increase
Your Spiritual Connection

“Having a daily spiritual practice is the key to developing your spiritual skills, gifts, and qualities. When you take the time to acknowledge who you are, focus your mind, and meditate, you create room in your life to grow and you encourage your heart to open up and connect deeply with the flow of life.” – Kyle Gray

Kyle Gray’s remarkable intuitive gifts have made him one of the UK’s most sought-after experts in the field. Now, following huge demand from his readers, Kyle unveils the 111 essential practices that he has been using for over 10 years to develop his spiritual skills.

In this book, Kyle explains how you too can deepen your connection with the Divine. The key is to raise your vibration, and Kyle teaches how you can do this by cultivating practices and habits such as:

• trusting and developing your inner guidance

• expressing yourself in a way that’s filled with the purest integrity

• giving and receiving in a way that’s balanced

• manifesting and creating a life you love and deserve. . .

3. Angel Numbers

The Message and Meaning
Behind 11:11 and Other Number Sequences

Are you seeing number sequences like 11:11 and 4:44 everywhere you turn?

If you always see the same numbers repeated – from license plates to receipts and digital clocks – it could be your angels sending you a message.

Angels are divine messengers who have existed in some form in almost every religion and culture since the dawn of time. In this digital age, they are finding new ways to remind you of your higher truth. Best-selling angel author Kyle Gray explains exactly what your angels are trying to tell you through these repeated sequences, from numbers 0 through 999 and popular digital clock combinations like 1:23, 21:12, 22:22, and 5:55.

Whenever you need guidance from your angels, simply ask. Know that your angels are always listening and looking for an opportunity to send you a reminder that they are near.

Kyle Gray Three Book Collection

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4. Connection With The Angels

Discover how to communicate with the angels,
boost your intuition and receive powerful guidance.

Kyle Gray dedicates his life to helping others tune in to their own intuitive talents. In this book, Kyle teaches readers how to connect with the angels and bring their divine, loving presence into all areas of life for powerful transformations.

You will learn:

– how to connect to your own guardian angel
– how to see, hear and feel the presence of the angels
– ways to communicate with the angels and powerful methods to seek their help
– how to receive messages from the angels and truly trust their guidance
– the different types of angels and their role in each area of your life

5. Power Portal

Joshua Mills explains that, much more than sensing what God is doing, we can participate in the supernatural on a daily basis through divine portals, or gates.
Within a power portal, we may experience a sudden realization of God’s presence, an abundance of healing, spontaneous joy, signs and wonders, angelic activity, an increase in spiritual dreams and visions, or extravagant provision. Some portals can be activated in our own bodies through the mind, eyes and ears, mouth, heart, innermost being, hands, and feet. There are also direct heavenly portals and geographical portals, special places where we can experience the release of God’s power.

6. Angels Among Us

A vision in a dream. A long-awaited healing. Protection from an accident waiting to happen. Angels Among Us is a collection of stories of everyday people — little children, old women, young men, and more — who had their lives stopped for a moment and redirected with a little help from above. Some came to help. Some to heal. Others stood as protectors and guardians. Some were prayed for and others showed up totally unbidden, but all were remembered by those whose lives were changed from a visit by their guardian angel. These inspiring stories will give you comfort and hope as you learn that you are seen, protected, and loved throughout each and every day.

7. Talk With Angels

Angels listen day and night.

In many of the world’s traditions, angels appear as God’s messengers and our protectors. But they are much more than archaic lore. From the magnificent archangels and fiery seraphim to our own guardian angels, they can be devoted guides, guardians and friends as we learn how to work with them every day.

Majestic beings of light and love, the angels are waiting for us to ask for their help in matters great and small―from fixing the economy, cleaning up the environment, or preventing terrorism to comforting a child, healing a loved one, or finding us the perfect job.

Talk with Angels: How to Work with Angels of Light for Guidance, Comfort and Healing introduces you to the angels of protection, wisdom, love, joy, healing, peace, forgiveness and even success (to name a few) who are standing by to come to your aid. You’ll learn powerful spiritual techniques―beautiful meditations, prayers and mantras―to help you access the power of the angels and forge life-changing, personal relationships with these transcendent yet ever-practical beings

8. The Book Of Angels

The Traditional Study of Angels is increasingly being explored as a philosophy for spiritual autonomy that will define the coming decades. The Book of Angels, The Hidden Secrets, Dreams – Signs – Meditation by Kaya and Christiane Muller sets itself apart from other books by transporting us to the heart of the application of spiritual life and allowing us to discover that Angels, usually depicted as little children with wings, are in fact Fields of Consciousness that inhabit all of us.

It’s really easy to work with The Traditional Study of Angels. It is sufficient to repeat the name of an Angel as often as possible, as if it were a mantra, when meditating, walking, performing everyday duties, and so forth. This recitation, when done on a daily basis, initiates teachings through dreams, signs, and significant expansions of consciousness, leading us to see that God, whatever name we call Him, is in fact an enormous Computer in which we dwell. Testimonies from persons who practice this ancient method of Knowledge can be found in The Book of Angels, The Hidden Secrets, Dreams – Signs – Meditation. It is a must-have tool for everyone who wants to fully comprehend the meaning of dreams, signals, and everyday events. This book, a best-seller in the field of psychology, is a must-read for anybody interested in the subject.

9. Peace For Every Day

Each daily passage in Peace for Each Day invites you to joyfully engage with Scripture as you meditate on God’s peace–peace that can be found whatever the circumstances, whatever the calling, whatever the future holds.

As Graham wrote, “Millions are searching for [peace], but we Christians have found it! It is ours now and forever.” Peace for Each Day makes a beautiful gift book for men and women of all ages for:

  • Birthdays
  • Christmas
  • Mother’s and Father’s Day
  • Grandparent’s Day

With words from one of the most popular and respected authors of our time, Peace for Each Day invites you to receive a peace that no one can take away.

10. Angels

Dr. Graham lifts the veil between the visible and the invisible world to give us an eye-opening account of these behind-the-scenes agents. This best-selling classic records the experiences of Dr. Graham and others who are convinced that at moments of special need they have been attended by angels. With keen insight and conviction, Dr. Graham affirms that:

  • God’s invisible hosts are better organized than any of the armies of man—or Satan.
  • Angels “think, feel, will, and display emotions.”
  • Angels guide, comfort, and provide for people in the midst of suffering and persecution.
  • At death, the faithful will be ushered by angels into the presence of God.

11. Peace With God

In spite of a life drenched with responsibilities and rewards, are you thirsting? Searching for some nameless thing that is more important than anything in life? You are not alone. All mankind is seeking the answer to the confusion, the moral sickness, the spiritual emptiness that oppresses the world. All humanity is crying out for guidance, for comfort . . .for peace.

Reverend Graham shares God’s gentle, reassuring promise of spiritual calm—of authentic personal peace—amidst a personal life wracked with too much stress, too many burdens, too great a heartache.

“I know men who would write a check for a million dollars if they could find peace,” writes Reverend Graham. “Millions are searching for it. But we Christians have found it! It is ours now and forever. We have found the secret of life! . . .When your spouse dies or your children get sick or you lose your job, you can have a peace that you don’t understand. You may have tears at a graveside, but you can have an abiding peace, a quietness.

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