Essential oils are most commonly used for aromatherapy. This is a type of alternative medicine in which aromatic chemicals are said to have healing properties. Using a diffuser and a few drops of your oils can make an unbelievably relaxing aromatic blend, which can help you relieve stress and decompress from the day. Keep in mind that improper usage of essential oils can result in allergic reactions, inflammation, and skin irritation, especially in children. If consumed or absorbed thru the skin improperly, while being particularly vulnerable to the hazardous consequences, essential oils can be deadly.

Maintaining healthy energy flow thru all seven chakras is critical. If the energy flow is low or excessive, it means the chakras are out of balance. Poor energy flow is typically caused by underactive chakras, just as high energy flow is typically caused by overactive chakras.

In this blog, we will discuss the roll essential oils have with helping you balance your spiritual chakras. Chakra imbalances have been linked to a variety of physical and mental health concerns. Our spiritual chakras can be balanced by using essential oils on a regular basis. Finding the balance within the chakras is proven to reduce stress and anxiety while also increasing self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. Once a balance has been formed within the chakras, you will begin to see a change of positive energy in your life, perhaps even enhancing the relationships with family and friends.


Please check with your doctor before using any of the products listed if you have a medical condition, are taking prescription medication, or are pregnant or nursing. Also, do not use these oils on children under the age of ten.

When applying to the skin, it’s always a good idea to do a patch test first to see how it reacts. If you have any skin irritation or an unpleasant reaction after using any of the essential oils listed below, please contact your doctor at once. This blog does not provide medical advice and is solely designed for educational purposes. It’s not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or discomfort.

The mentioned advantages of essential oils are based on personal and subjective experiences and have not been proven by the Food and Drug Administration.

1. Organic Patchouli Essential Oil

Chakras StimulatedRoot (Muladhara) Chakra (1st chakra), Sacral (Swadhishthana) Chakra (2nd chakra)

Patchouli Leaves and twigs may be harvested several times a year.

Patchouli oil or Pogostemon is a big Lamiaceae genus that was originally identified as a genus in 1815. It is native to Asia, Africa, and Australia, where it grows in warmer climates. Patchouli, the greatest variety of the pogostemon family is Pogostemon Cablin. It is widely cultivated in Asia for its fragrant leaf, which is used in perfumes, essential oils, incense, insect repellents, herbal teas, and other products. When used as a chakra aid, it provides a relaxing and grounding effect and is commonly used in aromatherapy. It was also traditionally used by East Asians to cure skin problems.

Oral consumption of this oil is not advised. This oil is also not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers. It is also not recommended for children under the age of six, as well as those who are using prescription medications.

Because of its sedative (sleep-inducing) characteristics, this oil should not be used in large doses. It can be used topically (directly on the skin) in tiny amounts and diluted if possible. Using too much of this oil can be dangerous and could cause irritation on your skin. It’s better to dilute it with coconut oil or water before applying it to any part of the body except the face. Any contact with the eyes and mouth should be avoided.

2. Pink Pepper Seed Essential Oil

Chakras StimulatedSacral (Swadhishthana) Chakra (2nd chakra)Solar Plexus (Manipur) Chakra (3rd chakra)

Pink Peppercorn commonly known as the Peruvian peppertree.

The fragrance of pink pepper seed oil is fruity, spicy, and floral. The functions react as a stimulant, increasing attention and endurance. Pink pepper oil is used to improves blood circulation and provides a warm sensation to the body; it can also be used to heal painful muscles in aromatherapy. Therefore, it is recommended to massage it into the skin. I would suggest using it in little amounts and diluting it with an oil such as coconut.

Pink peppercorns got their name from their resemblance to peppercorns and the fact that they, too, have a spicy flavor. People with a tree nut allergy may experience adverse reactions, including anaphylaxis, because they are members of the cashew family.

Pink peppercorns are dried berries from the related species Schinus terebinthifolia (the Brazilian pepper), which are used as a culinary spice. The Brazilian pepper was introduced to Florida as an ornamental plant by at least 1891, and most likely earlier, where it has expanded fast since around 1940, finally becoming invasive in the area where it was first planted

Pink pepper essential oil is steam distilled from a pink peppercorn. The trees are native to Peru and Kenya. Its main constituents are limonene, a-phellandrene, and myrcene. The dried fruit of the shrub Schinus molle, usually known as the Peruvian peppertree, are pink/red berries that are sold as pink peppercorns and are commonly combined with commercial pepper, despite the fact that they are unrelated to commercial pepper.

3. Pine Essential Oil

Chakras StimulatedHeart (Anahata) Chakra (4th Chakra)

Pine Oil carries a relatively low human toxicity level.

The heart chakra can be balanced with pine essential oil. A healthy heart chakra helps you to move forward in life by removing emotional blocks from the past. You can forgive yourself and others for the mistakes you’ve made in the past, regain emotional stability, and concentrate on your goals.

Contrary to popular belief, pine nut oil is not the same as pine oil.
Pine oil is a term used to describe a byproduct of wood pulp manufacture. Pine oil is made through the steam distillation of stumps, needles, twigs, and cones from a number of pine species, especially Pinus sylvestris.

It’s commonly harvested for aromatherapy use, as well as a supplement in alternative treatment. It can be used as a disinfectant, sanitizer, microbicide, virucide, or insecticide. It’s also utilized as a lubricant in pricey and small clockwork instruments.

It is a potent herbicide that works by altering the waxy cuticle of plants, causing desiccation. Pine oil is separated from other pine products such as turpentine, a low-boiling fraction of pine sap distillation, pine tar, and rosin, a resin left over after turpentine distillation.
 Terpene hydrocarbons, ethers, and esters may also be present. The specific composition is determined by a number of factors, including the pine variety used and the portions of the tree employed.

4. Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Chakras StimulatedHeart (Anahata) Chakra (4th Chakra)sacral (Swadhishthana) Chakra (2nd Chakra)Root (Muladhara) Chakra (1st chakra

 Cananga tree – also known as Ylang-Ylang, is a fast-growing tree of the custard apple family Annonaceae.

Ylang Ylang oil is made by distilling the steam produced by heating the Ylang Ylang tree’s blooms. Because of its pleasant (floral) fragrance, it is widely utilized in aromatherapy.

It can be used in a diffuser or mixed with a carrier oil and applied to the skin directly. Essential oils like lavender and sandalwood pair well with Ylang Ylang. Use caution when using large amounts of this oil, as it may cause nausea or skin irritation.

The golden, star-shaped blossom of the Cananga tree is known as ylang ylang (Cananga odorata). This tropical species is endemic to India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and sections of Australia, all of which are located near the Indian Ocean. Fruity, floral, and rich, ylang ylang has a strong, aromatic perfume.

5. Neroli Essential Oil

Chakras StimulatedHeart (Anahata) Chakra (4th Chakra)Sacral (Swadhishthana) Chakra (2nd Chakra

The blossoms are gathered, usually by hand. Tunisia, Morocco, and Egypt are the leading producers of Neroli.

The bitter orange tree’s blossom produces neroli oil, which is an essential oil that has a sweet, honeyed, metallic aroma with green and spicy undertones. However, the same blossom is used to extract orange blossom as well, which both extracts are widely used in perfumery. For instants, the scent of orange blossom is sweeter, warmer, and more floral than that of neroli. The variation in scent between neroli and orange blossom, as well as why they are given different names, is due to the extraction method used to extract the oil from the blossoms.

Neroli is a soothing and relaxing essential oil derived from the blooms of the orange tree. It aids in the release of repressed sentiments and emotions by stimulating the sacral and heart chakras. It can be blended with a variety of different oils, including ylang-ylang, sandalwood, rose, lavender, lemon, jasmine, and many others. Avoid using this oil in big amounts or undiluted form. Also, keep your hands away from sensitive regions like your eyes and mouth. A few drops can also be added to bath water.

6. Lavender Essential Oil

Chakras StimulatedThroat (Vishuddha) Chakra (5th chakra)Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra (6th Chakra)

Lavender oil is used in massage therapy as a way of inducing relaxation through direct skin contact.

Lavender is a well-known essential oil that stimulates the throat chakra, allowing you to communicate your desires and needs to the rest of the world. A blocked throat chakra could indicate a fear of speaking. It also affects the third eye chakra, allowing you to see things clearly and allowing you to embark on the path of enlightenment.

When your third eye chakra opens, you lose your sense of “I” and no longer regard yourself as distinct from existence. It dispels the duality illusion.

It’s ideal to apply this oil to the skin topically after diluting it with water or another carrier oil. Orally ingesting it in high amounts can induce gastrointestinal problems. Just inhaling it directly gives a very calming and relaxing feeling.

There are over 400 types of lavender species worldwide with different scents and qualities. Two forms are distinguished, lavender flower oil, a colorless oil, insoluble in water and lavender spike oil, a distillate from the herb Lavandula latifolia, Like all essential oils, it is not a pure compound; it is a complex mixture of phytochemicals, including linalool and linalyl acetate.

7. Lemon Essential Oil

Chakras StimulatedSolar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra (3rd chakra)Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra (6th Chakra

The lemon, a small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family Rutaceae.

Lemon’s juice contains about 5% to 6% citric acid and has a pH of around 2.2. The lemon is used for a variety of things throughout the world, one of which is essential oil. Lemon essential oil energizes both the mind and the body. It aids in the relief of overpowering emotions and promotes serenity and tranquility. It helps to balance the solar plexus chakra, which aids in the enhancement of intellect and mental powers, the development of self-confidence, and the ability to take control of one’s life.

In Ayurveda, lemon oil is used to treat a wide range of health issues. It is well-known for its ability to remove toxins from the body. The aroma of lemon oil, unlike that of other oils, is well-known, and most people find it to be quite calming and pleasant. It can be administered directly to the skin, for exaple, a face wash. By combining 3 to 4 drops of lemon oil with a pinch of baking soda and honey, in two minutes you can have a money free, all-natural face wash.

8. Rose Essential Oil

Chakras StimulatedHeart (Anahata) Chakra (4th Chakra)Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra (7th Chakra)

Rose oil – The essential oil extract that comes from the petals of various types of rose

Rose essential oil offers relaxing and loving properties due to its ability to balance the heart. While rose oil helps to aid in the balancing of the crown chakra, it can ultimately lead to the gateway of enlightenment. This oil contains chemicals that are thought to have many therapeutic effects and is extracted from the Rosa Damascena. While it is not advised to take large amounts of this oil, combining it with a carrier oil such as clove and jasmine oil in a combination. Direct contact with sensitive regions such as the eyes and mucous membranes should be avoided.

For the manufacture of rose oil, two principal species of rose are cultivated.

-The damask rose, Rosa damascena, is commonly grown in Bulgaria, Syria, Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, India, Uzbekistan, Iran, and China. -The cabbage rose, Rosa centifolia, which is more typically grown in Morocco, France, and Egypt.

The most common chemical compounds present in rose oil are:

citronellol, geraniol, nerol, linalool, phenyl ethyl alcohol, farnesol, stearoptene, α-pinene, β-pinene, α-terpinene, limonene, p-cymene, camphene, β-caryophyllene, neral, citronellyl acetate, geranyl acetate, neryl acetate, eugenol, methyl eugenol, rose oxide, α-damascenone, β-damascenone, benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, rhodinyl acetate and phenyl ethyl formate.

Beta-damascenone, beta-damascone, beta-ionone, and rose oxide are the main taste components that contribute to rose oil’s characteristic aroma. The presence and quantity of beta-damascenone is used as a quality indicator for rose oil. Due to their low odor detection thresholds, these chemicals account for slightly more than 90% of the odor content despite being present in less than 1% of rose oil.

9. Sandalwood Essential Oil

Chakras StimulatedThird Eye (Ajna) Chakra (6th Chakra)Sacral (Swadhishthana) Chakra (2nd Chakra)

The oil is distilled from the wood of the entire tree including stump and roots.

Sandalwood (Santalum album) oil stimulates the third eye chakra, which helps to raise awareness and achieve higher levels of consciousness. By minimizing mental noise, it improves perception clarity. Sandalwood oil is highly good to persons who are extremely worried and overwhelmed by the stresses of everyday life. It also has a wonderful scent and may be mixed with a variety of different oils.

By combining it with carrier oils such as almond, coconut, or lavender, it can be applied directly to the skin. Because lavender oil stimulates the third eye chakra as well, you can combine it with sandalwood oil to make a combination that you can apply to your forehead for optimum effect.

Sandalwood essential oil is commonly used in aromatherapy and added to soaps and cosmetics due to its highly sought fragrance. It’s also used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat common colds, bronchitis, fever, urinary tract infections, and inflammation, as well as both somatic and mental illnesses. Sandalwood has been shown to have beneficial effects in the treatment of ferret anxiety in some circumstances. Inhalation of East Indian sandalwood oil and its major constituent, -santalol, on human physiological parameters increased heart rate, skin conductance, and systolic blood pressure, according to a study. Sandalwood oil has religious significance, and it is utilized in a variety of religions around the world, including Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism.

10. White Lotus Essential Oil

Chakras StimulatedAll chakras

Lotus plants are adapted to grow in the flood plains of slow-moving rivers and delta areas.

The white locus essential oil has a specific influence on the throat chakra, despite the fact that it helps to balance all of the chakras. This oil can be used to make blends, soaps, and perfumes, among other things. Just remember to use it in modest amounts because it is quite potent.

While lotus oil has a calming and soothing impact on the body and mind, you can also use it to stimulate all of your chakras if you’re not sure which ones are blocked.

Lotus plants have evolved to thrive in slow-moving river flood plains and delta environments. Every year, hundreds of thousands of seeds fall to the pond’s bottom from lotus stands. While some seeds sprout right away, and the majority are eaten by wildlife, the rest can remain dormant for a long time while the pond silts in and dries up. Sediments carrying these seeds are ripped open during floods. In other words, the water allows the dormant seeds to rehydrate and start a new lotus colony.

The seeds of this aquatic perennial can last for many years in the right conditions, with the oldest reported lotus germination coming from seeds recovered from a dry lakebed in northeastern China that were 1,300 years old.

As a result, the Chinese hold the plant in high regard as a symbol of longevity.


To recapitulate, while essential oils have been used in eastern cultures for thousands of years, western civilization has recognized their beneficial effects, resulting in an increase in their popularity. The use of essential oils, as well as spiritual disciplines, like yoga and meditation for example, can help to open up the body’s spiritual chakras. As a result, we are able to live our lives to the utmost.

Be sure to check out our other blogs to help further your spiritual interests!

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